

Wic-Can Fest 2003, part III
2003-06-23 - 16:53:05

I am sooooo caffinated! I just went out for coffee with a friend, and first I'd bought myself a large iced cappacino (with real coffee and ice cubes, none of the fake stuff), then he bought me a small one after that. Yikes! And I haven't had coffee in a few days. Need to come down...


Back to Wic-Can Fest!!

After my wonderful night's sleep and a lunch time visit to a local Subway, I got back to camp at around 12pm. It felt like I was ready to attend Fest -- finally!

I went to meet with Isis Fire, my magickal teacher and the person organizing the main ritual at Wic-Can Fest (held on Saturday night). Before Fest, I.F. had asked me to be a part of the main ritual. I told her I would be honoured to be a part of it! I also wanted to let her know what had been going on with me during the week and see if she thought I'd still be suitable for the rit. It turns out I was supposed to meet her at 11am instead of 12pm (oops!) but we discussed the ritual, how I was feeling, etc., and she gave me the most LOVELY neck and shoulder massage! Isis Fire is an incredible artist and creator of magickal oils, and she used one of these oils ("rejuvinating") in the massage. There's nothing that I appreciate more than a free shoulder massage. I'm always so tense there, and this week was no exception.

So with everything in better order than it had been all week, I thanked Isis Fire profusely and went off in search of Raevyn and my other friends. I did a lot of flitting around that afternoon, so I'm not sure when I first ran into Raevyn again. I think it was when PaganGrrl arrived at Fest at around 2pm!! Raevyn saw her first and walked her to the dining hall area where we gave each other huge hugs. :D PaganGrrl was sooooooo excited to be at Fest! (well, that's a given.) We walked back down to the camp site to help her get set up.

Okay, run-on paragraphs here. Please fault the caffiene for that. ;)

Part way through PaganGrrl's camp set up, I left to go to a workshop (my only one of the entire Fest!) on the female Orishas and their sexual correspondences. A good Fest friend named Hunter has been practicing Voudoun for about 5 years (I think) and he was the one holding the workshop. I love Hunter's workshops - he's always so passionate about the material he's presenting, and he's very scholarly in his approach. I ended up being about 20 minutes late for it (oops! got carried away with the tent pitching *wink wink* LOL!), but I got most of the material. I really think he should write a paper on the subject!

After the workshop, I walked back to the campsite with my friends Safira and R to fetch PaganGrrl. Now, I can't remember if this happened before or after the tent pitching, but I'll just insert this event here. :D We were walking to one of the staff cabins to visit An-Day and MSee, when my magick classmate and pal Lau called to me. ("Hey, Wyrdsister!") :D She called me over to talk to DT, one of the organizers of the Fest. "This is Wyrdsister, the one I was talking about!" she says. She had been talking to DT earlier in the day, and DT had mentioned the need for a new webmaster for the Wic-Can Fest and HarvestFest websites. Lau instantly thought of me and told DT she'd introduce us. Well, we already knew each other, but DT didn't know me by the name Wyrdsister and he didn't know I did websites. So he asked if I was interested in the position - of course, I said Yes! He said great and that we'd get together later in the weekend to discuss the terms and such. Yippie!


I'll be back to continue with this entry after supper. :D



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