

10 Days!!!
2003-05-31 - 22:51:47

In ten days I'm off to Wic-Can Fest. Yippie!!! How I love festivals!

It feels like there is so much I need to do before I go, but I'm having a hard time keeping it all straight. I would love to vend at Fest this year, but I'm not sure if I have enough things to sell. I have sold a few things before and done very well at it. I've mostly sold knitted things and jewelry, and I really want to sell some of my moon pads this year. I just need to keep my wits about me and get organized, something I've had a hard time doing lately.


I did my May Pagan Speak collab today. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. ;) But I really wasn't inspired by this month's questions. Maybe June's questions will bring up something.


Today My Love and I spent a wonderful relaxing day together. We played Half-Life for the first time together and I had my ass royally kicked. *sigh* I love gaming, but I really suck at it. :D (Now he's changed speeds and is playing Ms. Pac Man. What a cutie! - My Love, not Ms. Pac Man. ;) ) Then we watched an episode of MST3K - "Warrior of the Lost World" It was deliciously horrible! I love MST3K. And soon I think we're going to snuggle down for the night. Maybe I'll read a little bit before I fall asleep.


I had a friend remind me today how much I love vampires. I was never one of those people who dressed like them and wanted to be one when I grew up, I just liked the mythos. And, okay, I did a little bit of LARPing too. And if you don't know what LARP stands for, then I'm not going to tell you. ;) But it was fun.

Wanna play?




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