

All sorts of nervousness
2003-01-28 - 16:18:48

It's been three days since I made an entry here. Whoopie.

I've been spending my time searching for jobs online. And today I've offically applied for... EI. That's "unemployment insurance" for everyone who's not Canadian. Why is it called EI? It's government NewSpeak, really.


I've been battling with myself over the past week over contacting a local Wiccan High Priestess. She's a priestess in a very traditional trad (Gardenarian). I don't exactly know what I want to say to her.

Now, I've steered away from very traditionalist strains of Wicca and Paganism - until now. Now I'm becoming fascinated with it. I've been reading books by Sybil Leek, Doreen Valiente and Vivianne Crowley, and I want to learn about what they are talking about. They're talking about Wicca as it began 50 and 60 years ago, with allusions to practices that are much older. And suddenly I'm craving that knowledge.

Actually, I do know what I want to say to her, but I don't want to say it all the same. I want to say "please teach me!" and "I want to learn!" But that sounds all grovelly and insulting. Who am I to ask her to be a teacher to me? Shouldn't I wait for an offer?

I guess I don't know how these things go.

I just know that I've gone as far as I can without direct instruction. I've read my face off by myself, and I'm in need of a little guidance.


I talked to PaganGrrl last night on the phone. I agreed to a) be the MC at her wedding ceremony, and b) ... officiate at her handfasting. !!!!! Can you believe it? I hope so, because I can't yet. :) More details on this as they become available - as in, as I plan this thing!




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