

These past few days
2003-01-21 - 16:37:49

I've been too tense to sit still and writing anything over the past few days. I've been anxious because I haven't been working, and looking for works adds a stress all its own. I'm feeling adgitated and prickly, and I haven't been able to get a good nights sleep in a few days.

So if anyone's out there that wants to hire a WebDiva, let me know! I'll send you my text resum�.

I suppose that as of this morning I could officially blame how I've been feeling on my period -- if I was the type of person to blame my moods or state of wellbeing on forces outside (or, in this case, inside) myself. I tend to take more responsibility for how I feel than others, it seems. I think that's why I get aggrivated when I see other people blaming this, that and the other thing when they're feeling bad. I wish they would take responsibility too.

How's that for stuff coming out sideways? ;)

Actually, that previous paragraph wasn't intended at anyone in particular - more like a few people or groups of people I've had contact with over the past while in general. I guess it's just a pet peeve rearing it's ugly head.

Well, I think I'm off to treat myself to a cuddle in bed with a nice hot water bottle on my womb. Okay, so it won't be directly on my womb, but as close as I can get it. And I think I'll have another mug of Red Raspberry leaf tea. Wow, you'd think I'd gone all holistic! :)

BB, all,




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