

New Year thoughts
2003-01-06 - 17:04:56

Well, it has been a great trip back East! I've had the opportunity to visit so many friends, including people I haven't seen in a couple of years! I visited friends from high school, university and business college (where I did my MCSE). I feel so lucky!

As I mentioned in my last entry, the wedding I came up for did not happen. Mr. Husband-to-be got more than cold feet - seems he didn't stop there and froze his heart as well. My poor friend is still in shock. I've tried to help her out as best I can (short of driving over to the next province and carving out Ice Boy's tiny heart), I just hope she's going to be okay. Really, I know she's going to be. She's one of the strongest and most resiliant people I know. It's just so horrible that she's going through this.

So I fly back to La Capital tomorrow and head back to work the next day. *sigh* It will be good to make some money, but I'm getting ancy again to do some job searching.

Actually, I was talking to my friend from college and she's got a great job now back here in the East. She's got me thinking of applying. It sounds like My Love and I would be shoe-ins for these jobs, and the company is going to be going on another hiring binge soon. They've hired and trained people with much less experience than My Love and I. Now, I just need to decide if a) I'd actually consider moving back here, and b) would My Love consider moving. That will be a topic of discussion when I get home! :)

While the prospect of a good and challenging job piques my interest, I immediately started thinking about the spiritual community that I'm involved in where I live. The people in my city, the festivals that I go to. I'd be heartbroken to give those up. Actually, I probably wouldn't give up the festivals - I'd still drive out!! :D

Well, the parents are home from their first day back to work after the holidays. I should go welcome them in.

I'll write next from my back home!




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