

It's Friiiiii-daaaaaay!
2002-11-08 - 16:29:10

Hi. Just thought I'd say that.

All the snow we got last night is now gone. It got up to 11 degrees today! So everything melted nicely. It's going up to 14 tomorrow. And during that balmy spring weather, I'll be putting on my show tires. :)

I love Canada.


Work is getting a bit tedious. I have a tendency to become bored with things if I do them for weeks on end. I'm glad I'm not aspiring to be an administrative assistant. I few months is all I could do before I'd make the mistake of telling the company heads everything they're doing wrong and how they can fix it. I'm no expert, but when I see things that are blatantly inefficient, I get annoyed.

For example, you'd not believe all the information my company stores in spreadsheets. Now, Excel is pretty darn cool, but when you are trying to handle several hundred employees, and have several spreadsheets for each: payroll, scheduling, door cards, job rolls, etc; you are going to end up doing 8 times the work you should be. A nice, healthy, well-designed database would really do the trick. And what's more frustrating is that I could write them one! With a snazzy web-based interface and everything! But would they go for it? Nooooooo, I highly doubt that. I get the impression from Amm that this company likes to say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and "don't rock the boat". *sigh* I'll be able to handle it for a few more months.

Okay, enough ranting about work. Time to go home in half an hour! Yippie! Home to play The Sims Online then sleep.





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