

Busy-ness / Another step out
2002-06-20 - 21:33:18

The whirlwind is gearing up.

I'm back from Wic-Can Fest, right back into work, and I'm moving in 8 DAYS!!! And I still need to pack! :D

I'm not actually too worried about the packing. I'll be packing all tomorrow afternoon, all day Saturday and all day Sunday. My Love, on the other hand, is trying to keep his panic in check. He's pretty much done packing already, and he's concerned I won't be done in time. I think I can do it. I'll keep you posted. :)

My Love and I are moving in together!! This has made us both blissfully happy. We're hoping that won't change after we've lived with each other for a week. ;} I am really looking forward to this. I am so in love and this move just seems like the right thing to do. I do want to share my life more fully with My Love - how better to share your life than to share your living quarters?


I've returned from Wic-Can Fest feeling stronger and more confident about many things: about myself, about my abilities, about my spiritual path (a confidence that began at Wild Ginger Witch Camp several weeks ago), about life in general. For me, that's no ordinary thing. All these things I have just named are things depression takes away from you. It's still wonderous for me to feel strength and confidence again.

It's perhaps the pleasure I'm finding in this strength that caused me to do what I did tomcg: I came out of the broom closet to my councillor. This is significant for me as it is the first "acquaintance" I have told about my spiritual beliefs. Heck, I haven't told many people that I'm close to, let alone those I don't! Of course, my councillor is in a slightly different position than mere acquaintance - she is in a trusted role and is an inportant part of my treatment of depression. But still, I really didn't know if I'd ever get around to telling her that I'm Wiccan.

She was rather pleased that I told her. She of course said "don't worry, I don't judge," and because of my past experience with her I believe her. But she was pleased because I shared a part of myself that was obviously important to me and had had a large positive effect on me, most noticeably (to her) in the recent past (see above section of this entry). Overall, I'm glad I told her. It's definitely a step out of the closet for me.


Some friends of mine from the local Pagan Meet and Greets has had a baby!!! You must check out the pictures! They have an entire web site set up about baby progress and now the birth: Enjoy!


And it's time for bed again. I'll be working in the office tomorrow morning, then coming back home to start the packing! I wonder what my cat will make of it all... ;)




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