

Sleeping in a snow bank
2002-01-22 - 00:02

I did the coolest thing on Saturday night! My Dad and I slept out in a snow fort that we built!

What we made is called a "Quinzy. You basically make a giant pile of snow and hollow it out to make a shelter. To be honest, my Dad did most of the work, but he's in much better shape than I'm in!

Part of the process requires taking sticks that are about 2 feet in length and poking them into the pile of snow. This way, when you are hollowing out the snow pile to make a room you know when to stop digging; when you hit the sticks. Then you know your walls will be thick enough.

Anyway, I headed out into the woods behind our house to look for sticks. I hadn't been out there in ages. In the winters I used to go snowshoeing for hours! And being back there reminded me why.

It was so beautiful: a think blanket of snow everywhere, the trees covered and bowed, chickadees flitting around, and the most wonderful clean smell of the outdoors. I even saw deer tracks!! And it was so quiet - I didn't have to go back that far into the woods for everthing to be very still. Okay, if I listened I could still hear my Dad shovelling all that snow! :) But it was beautiful.

I haven't felt that close to the Goddess in a long, long time.



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