

Merry Yule!
2001-12-22 - 01:40:54

Merry Yule!


I still can't believe it. I'll be seeing My Love in less than 10 hours!!! I can't wait!! Sleep seems beyond me at the moment. But I have to get some sleep so I'll be awake to meet him!

I just wanted to let you know that I probably won't be making an entry here for a few days as I'll be enjoying My Love's company and doing holiday things like eating, visiting, and probably some more eating. ;) And I plan to spend 24/7 with My Love!! (now how schmoopy is that?! :D )


I had a very quiet Yule this year. MoonDance was nowhere to be found so I spent the evening home with my family (which is what I really wanted anyway).

I was telling my Mom today about Catriana's presentation she made at work a few days ago. Can you believe this phenomenal woman?! She got up in front of many, many of her coworkers and told them all about the Pagan celebration of Yule! She even constructed a small altar in front of them and passed out some Yule log she had made!! Talk about brave! I don't think I could dream about doing that in a million years! Okay, perhaps not a million, but at least several! :)

I also introduced Mom to the term "broom closet." For some reason I thought I'd already mentioned it to her... oh well. She laughed so hard - she thought it was great!! My Mom has a great sense of humour.


Well, I suppose I should make an attempt at getting some sleep tonight, shouldn't I? :D

Happy Yule to everyone, and Raevyn and Cat: I hope the ritual was everything you wanted it to be!!! Love ya both!




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