

A Glorious and Festive Day
2001-12-16 - 11:55:20

I had THE best day yesterday with my aunt!! We went out on the town shopping and just hanging out, and it was the BEST time I've had in awhile ... that I'd actually been feeling good enough to enjoy!

We went to the crazy-mall to do some Christmas shopping. We had a blast looking through the stores, mostly window shopping, picking up a few things here and there. We mostly went out to hang out together!

My aunt is an incredible woman. We're only just getting to know each other, really - she married one of my uncles almost three years ago, but we haven't had the opportunity to hang out much. I mean, I've been living away for a year and a half now. But we get along famously! It actually makes a lot of sense as she's only 5 years older than I am (big age difference between her and my uncle) and we do have some significant things in common.

So we trolled the mall for a few hours then went to a local restaurant (where anybody who's anybody in this town ends up at some point in their lives) for coffee and dessert. My aunt was happy because it still has a smoking section. :) We were there for 2 hours talking and laughing over decadent cakes and coffee. The time just flew!! We both came away from the evening on Cloud 9. We were SO glad we'd had the opportunity to spend some time together.


I had a fun little meeting with someone in the mall when I was out! <|:)

I went into one of those cheap accessory stores looking for silver hinged sleeper earings. Like you asked. Anyway, I noticed that one of the people behind the counter was wearing a t-shirt with a very promenent pentacle silk-screened on it. After another glance or two I saw that it had the elements "Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit" printed on each point of the pentacle (not necessarily in order, btw), and the words "Salem, Mass." printed below. 'Hmmm, nifty,' I thought.

So I found the earings I wanted (with the help of the other nice sales person) and took them to the counter. Pentacle-dude (he was also wearing a silver pentacle and ankh around his neck) started to ring them in, and I decided to start up a conversation:

"So, did you actually go to Salem or did someone bring you back the t-shirt?" (note my talented small talk skills... ;)

"Yes, I went down there myself," he said, then pausing slightly, considering my possible reaction. "I actually participated in a witches' circle and everything."

"Cool," I reply. Pause. "Are you doing anything for Yule?"

"Um, yeah, um," he says with piqued interest and slight shock - he probably doesn't get asked that much when he's working, if at all! ;) "Going to [local park] for a ritual. We've rented a cabin for over night."

"Not bad," I say, looking at the other sales person, who is looking at the both of us now like 'do these two know each other?' *LOL* "These people with time and money to plan!"

Pentacle-dude asks me "Are you... wiccan?"

"Yep," I respond casually. NOTE: my aunt is out of the store at this point. She's hanging around outside with the shopping cart.

Now, I can tell I'm blushing at this point. Not because the guy was cute or anything but because I'm actually standing in the middle of a public place chatting about Yule rituals with a total stranger! I casually offered "Yep, I'm Wiccan," to just some guy! (and some girl, the other worker in the store) Wild!!

So we chat for a few more moments about how people sometimes question his pentacle thinking it's the Star of David ("No," he says politely, "that star has 6 points"), how one woman didn't believe witchcraft or Wicca was a religion, etc. I told him that since all my close Wiccan friends are pretty much out of the geographical area we were thinking of trying the "telecommuting witches" thing again. He raised his eyebrows at that, but who cares! I just thought the entire encounter was too cool.

I left the store thanking them for the earings and wishing Pentacle guy a good time next week, beaming the whole time. Much fun!!

Merry Yule, all! Light those candles and Yule Logs on Dec. 21! <|:D





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