

Enough is enough
2001-08-26 - 20:22:16

Okay, it's about time for a new look.

Also, I think it's about time I took down that darn password protection thing. It's really irritated me more than anything.

And I think it's somewhat diminished my desire to write here. I liked the feedback I was getting - in my guestbook, in my email - when my diary was open.

I miss it.

So that's it then. I'll be giving this diary a visual over-hall (whether designed by me or someone else WITH kudos given I'm not sure), and when I'm done I'll be stripping off the login box.

Maybe I should actually tell people this via my notify list?

Is anyone actually logging in and reading my diary anymore?

Okay, besides PaganGrrl? ;)

See you with a shiney new frock!




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