

Experiencing technical difficulties...
2000-12-18 - 20:13:28

Oh boy.

I'm working at home this evening trying to get a PowerPoint presentation together for tomorrow morning. I knew it wasn't supposed to be easy.

I was put in charge of collecting PowerPoint presentations from five other people and putting them together into one uberpresentation. I was supposed to burn the individual presentations onto a CDROM at work, but the person with the burner seemed to have left early. So I uploaded the files to a web hosting provider where I house one of my web sites so I could download them from home. (they were too big to fit on a floppy, and no one seems to have ZIP drives at work.)

So here I am at home trying to download these files. Most of them downloaded just fine - except for two. "Most" isn't really good enough. :) One of these files is 11MB in size. 11MB !!! This is a PowerPoint presentation, not the entire King James version of the Bible in Flash!! This guy loaded his presentation with .wav files, that's why it's so huge. So it's going to take 47 years to download. For any time-impared folks out there, that's waaaaaaay after tomorrow.


So after all that technobabbleranting, what do I find? That the files have successfully downloaded and now open properly, that's what! *blush* What's that saying: "Laugh, and the world laughs with you / snarl, and you'll get better service."

What a day, what a day...

And I haven't even told you about locking my keys in my car this morning.

While it was running.

And the lights were on.

And there was about 1ml of gas in the tank.

What a day, what a day...



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