

2000-10-25 - 23:58:32

Okay, so it's been a few days since I've made an entry... okay, so it's been about a week. *blush* Illness will do that to you. It seems like a lot has happened in the past week, even though I was bedridden for the first half!

Most of the "things" that have happened this past week are not what you would normally consider "events." The Moby and Radiohead concerts would be "events," as well as being too sick to visit my friend, etc. Those are typical "events."

But the things I really remember from the past week are not those types of events. They are the every day things that happen to which we normally pay no attention.

Event #1:
Last Monday I saw a pigeon being attacked by a crow. I had no idea pigeons had any real predators, or that they were crow-fodder. And this crow wasn't just beating up this pigeon, it was preying on it, eating it. I got a twisty feeling in my stomach that was a combination of horror, anger, revulsion, disconnectedness, and detached curiosity. I wanted to run over and kick the crow (and his buddies waiting in the wings - pardon the pun), but I didn't. I thought "what would that accomplish? The pigeon is now lost. If I stopped the crow, the pigeon would die slower and more horribly than if I let the crow continue and finish the pigeon now." The crow wasn't like a cat: it wasn't playing with the pigeon. It really seemed like it was getting down to business. So I didn't kick the crow. Part of me realized I was looking at nature, at the animal kingdom and its cycle of life and death. Part of me rejected this as I've never been a fan of Darwin. And part of me remained in numb bewilderment, vaguely questioning what the Goddess wanted me to know.

Event #2:
The fall leaves have been absolutely wonderful here! This is my first fall in my new home, and I've not been disappointed. They are just as brilliant red and firey orange and yellow as they were at "home," and I'm relieved. I know most areas of the world don't have it this good when autumn roles around. It makes me feel cozy, alert, and witchy. The air has started to smell like Hallowe'en - do you know what I mean? I know MoonDance does. ;) Samhain is just around the corner (next Tuesday to be exact), and I can't wait. My body can't wait - it is all ready for the turning of the wheel.

Event #3:
My friend Darren got a new job that makes him work more nights than he has before, so he can't go out with people - like me - most evenings. This is a good thing. ;) I still hear from him as much as he calls me from work (e.g. he called 4 times last night), but at least I can now see him in more metered doses. I think the Goddess is looking out for me.

Event #4:
One of my fish died yesterday. *sniff* I just bought a new fish on Monday, and as soon as I put it in the tank the other one started to keel over. The new one didn't attack the old one or anything - they were all getting along quite well. I'm wondering if there was something in the water that the new one was transported in. Anyway, this made me very sad. I now have 4 fish: two orandas, one yellow with black-tipped fins and one blue (the new one), and two Chinese algae eaters (who are doing their job delightfully, I must say). I'm just very disappointed that my red-cap oranda died. It was doing so well! *sniff,sniff*

So this is what has happened in my life in the past week. Work is a whole other story. Hmmm, perhaps another entry?




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