

A Meet and Greet
2002-07-10 - 22:54:06


I just got back from the monthly Pagan Meet and Greet in my area. It was much fun as always! Cat drove me (the wonderful dear) and Char came along. Both brought their oldest sons. I think the sons were a little bored as they didn't mingle much. Too bad.

We got to see one couple's new baby, 3 weeks old. She is so beautiful! Check out some wonderful pictures on the couple's web site.

I chatted with the whole gang. There was someone there tonight from Halifax who is a member of the Avalon East Pagan Gathering organizing committee. (AEPG was the first festival PaganGrrl and I attended.) She was wonderful! She also knows Cassandra and Orno, two wonderful folks we met many years ago who organized the first pagan ritual PaganGrrl and I ever went to! I hope to get in touch with them again - they are wonderful people! K was also very nice. She's a web crafter like myself! I hope to keep in touch and perhaps get to know her a little via email.

I got to chat with Wintersknight and Darklaine which is always a blast. I love the both of them! They both have a great sense of humour and a perspective on the pagan community that I find facinating. I really need to hang out with these two more often! :)

Well, I guess I just wanted to give a brief update. My typing skills are not at 100% right now - 2 Smithwicks can do that to a person... who's not used to drinking 2 pints in a night. ;)





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