

This week
2002-05-11 - 20:09:42

Well the computer seems a bit more stable at the moment. I made mention in my last entry about my computer woes. My Love has suggested that my CPU could be dying. I've had it for a few years now, and it's been nicely overclocked for that entire time. Also, the CPU was not new when I got it - my friend Jay gave it to me after he'd run it overclocked for awhile. Now, only if I had money for a new CPU and motherboard...

My life this week has consisted of work, TV and apartment-hunting. Work was good this week, although I didn't make it in on Monday as I should have. That old pattern of reclusiveness set in late last week and I couldn't quite shake it come Monday morning. tsk-tsk! I feel back to normal now. *whew*

It's been a pretty good week for TV. Alias was quite good. Tomorrow is the season finale! I must tune in. Then Buffy was a gut-wrencher!! If they kill of Tara, I'm gonna be really put out! This episode was one of the best ones this season - not that it would be that difficult, but this was extremely well done. Angel was just as great as this entire season has been. Then I ended up bawling at the demise of Mark Green on ER. Another well done episode.

Now for the fun stuff!! :D My Love and I are moving in together!! I'm so thrilled! I'm not going to post too many details yet (don't want to jinx anything), but we've been having fun in the looking process and have come upon some decent places. More details in the future (maybe early next week)!

Spiritually, I haven't been doing much lately. I've been doing my ever-constant reading. I just finished Witches, Pagans and Magick in the New Age by Kevin Marron (a good book about Wicca and Paganism in Canada, published in 1989), and I'm about to start Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente. I also went to a Pagan Meet and Greet with Raevyn and Cat on Wednesday evening. Just as fun as last time!! I'm liking this pagan networking. But as for any ritual or meditation, I've been "off the broomstick." (just made that up, you like?)

Well, I should be heading into the city to see My Love soon, I'm just waiting for him to call. Tomorrow is Mother's Day and my birthday! We'll be having brunch at his mother's place tomorrow - food provided by us, we won't be making her cook! :)

That was My Love on the phone! I'm off! *grin*




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